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Londons Best Burgers

My 2019 list of The Best Burgers In London.

I remember when a good burger in London was one that did not give you food poisoning.  That was about 2007 years ago when the scene started to cotton on to the fact that a burger could be more than an overcooked frozen patty with some fried onions and melted cheese in a sugary over-processed white bun.  Places like Hamburger Union (RIP), Gourmet Burger Kitchen and Byron started to blaze the way on the high streets.  It was not until 2008 when The Meat Wagon rolled onto the scene that burgers got really interesting in London. It’s safe to say that I have had a fair few burgers since 2008, some have been amazing, some rubbish and a majority forgettable.

So here is my 2019 List of the Best London Burgers.

Read the updated London Burger List here

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