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Holiday Essental Rentals with Fat Llama

I don’t travel as often as I would like, I mean who actually does….. unless you are a dedicated travel blogger. Those full-time travel bloggers make me really jealous, not only because they get to travel all the time to exciting destinations… but because they can really make good use of travel gear and tech like a drone. I’m am so envious of those soaring videos and epic Arial shots that you can get from a drone. Though not envious enough to go out and shell out £1000 for a DJI Mavic Air that I’ll use a couple times a year.  Is it even possible to fly them in London?

What if you could rent a drone for a short period of time? Perhaps for that week away to Bali or a day out to the coast of Kent. Well, you can do just that with Fat Llama. 

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Oslo Hackney Summer Menu Review

You know how you often dismiss a place based on what you think it would be… for example, a pub serving Japanese food or buying choux from a street food seller.   Things that you thought that never would be good but turn out to be great. I’ve only known OLSO as being a music venue so always assumed that the food would be bog standard pub grub.   You can imagine how surprised I was when I tried out the new summer menu.

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Fever Tree Championships with Haagen-Dazs

I have always had a soft spot for tennis. I took it up as a kid for two reasons. Being obsessed with the upturned collar Lacoste polo shirt and deck shoe wearing preppy brigade it was the ONLY sport that I could play and play the part of the prepster. The other reason I played tennis was that because of my general husky size I was recruited by the football team to play and the last thing I wanted to get battered around on a grassy muddy field by a bunch of other adolescent kinds. So, tennis was my way out, my escape, my pass to avoid broken bones and bruised eyes and feigning a macho persona.

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3 of My Favourite Small Batch Ice Creams in London

If you follow me on Instagram (and if you dont.. why not?) you know that I’m obsessed with ice cream.  I’m somewhat an ice cream snob… I say somewhat and really mean a total Ice Cream snob.  I mean life is too short for the run of the mill ice cream.  As wankery, as it sounds, small batch is the best.  These alchemists of ice cream really know their craft and use the best ingredients.  Most importantly they have a major passion for the creamy stuff and they are all bloody lovely people too!

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3 New(ish) Burgers on the Block

About 4 years ago I thought the burger bubble would have burst by now.  Not in as much the way that burgers would just go away… but more in the way that people would not try and break into the burger scene in London.  Honestly, I’m glad that the bubble has not burst, I’m excited that new burgers are coming on to the scene.  I’m optimistic that some of the OG burger joints are upping their game.  I’m wondering if we really need a branch of Whalburgers?

Like most things in life all the fresh and exciting talent comes from the street. Food is no different. In order to stand out, you need to carve your niche.  Here are three of my favourite New Kids on the (Burger) Block.

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A Royal Wedding Afteroon Tea – YoSushi Style

I don’t know about you, but this Saturday I had major FOMO.  Not just because of the Royal Wedding, but I realised that vie never been to Windsor.  While doing my Windsor restraint recon, I saw Yo Sushi was doing a special Royal Wedding Afternoon tea.  I’m not embarrassed to admit this, but I really love Yo Sushi, so much, in fact, I chose to ring in the New Year this year at the Southbank Restaurant.  Seeing that this Afternoon Tea was only available in Windsor, I did not want to suffer more FOMO.

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Living your Best French Life

Since I was a kid I always romanced the idyllic French dream. I chose to study French in school, I obsessed about French cooking and longed for a baguette and brie life one day.

Makes me sad to say that every time I’ve visited France it’s never lived up to the dream the dream. Nowhere near the levels of the Paris syndrome that people suffer. Despite 10 or so visits I never really ache to go back. When I do get the hankering for escargot and steak tartare, as you do, it never results in a Eurostar booking.

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